Yle: Suurin osa masennuspotilaista hyötyy magneettistimulaatiosta, joka tulee nyt avuksi lääkeresistenttiin masennukseen (4 September 2024, in Finnish)
The Finnish national broadcasting company released an article on the use of TMS to treat medication resistant depression:
First Nexstim device in Poland making national headlines (March 2023, in Polish)
The first NBS device in Poland was received with a lot of interest from various media outlets:
Szpital kliniczny w Katowicach ma urządzenie do mapowania mózgu. Pomaga przy planowaniu operacji
Katowice: Jedyny taki sprzęt w Polsce. Pozwala na trójwymiarowe mapowanie mózgu
Katowiccy specjaliści wykorzystują mapowanie mózgu w operacjach neurochirurgicznych
Superprecyzyjne mapowanie mózgu w UCK w Katowicach
Mapowanie mózgu dzięki Nexstim. Neurochirurdzy z UCK korzystają z nowoczesnego urządzenia
Mapa mózgu – można ją stworzyć w 30 minut! Jedyny tak nowoczesny sprzęt jest w UCK w Katowicach. Szansa dla pacjentów onkologicznych
Iltalehti: Kirsin korvissa kuului kova pamaus – elämä muuttui peruuttamattomasti (5 November 2022, in Finnish)
Finnish news media Iltalehti released an article on a patient's experiences with Nexstim TMS treatments:
Kirsin korvissa kuului kova pamaus – elämä muuttui peruuttamattomasti
Turun Sanomat: Turkulaisyritys tarjoaa magneettistimulaatiota masentuneille – laite on ainoa laatuaan Suomen yksityisellä sektorilla (21 November 2021, in Finnish)
Finnish news media Turun Sanomat released an article on Recuror, the first private clinic in Finland to offer TMS treatments:
Sydsvenskan: Magnetpulser mot huvudet hjälper deprimerade: ”Vi kan styra hjärnan från utsidan” (24 October 2021, in Swedish)
The Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan released an article on how the Nexstim NBT® system is used to treat major depression in the Swedish cities of Helsingborg and Lund.
Sydsvenskan: Magnetpulser mot huvudet hjälper deprimerade: ”Vi kan styra hjärnan från utsidan”
The Santa Clarita Valley Signal: ‘Wave of the future’: BrainStim Center opens in Valencia (20 March 2021)
The Santa Clarita Valley Signal published a news story on a new BrainStim center located in Valencia, CA. Dr. Mark Liker treats depression patients with the Nexstim advanced SmartFocus® TMS technology at the clinic.
The Santa Clarita Valley Signal: 'Wave of the future’: BrainStim Center opens in Valencia
Eyewitness News: Rockford Psychiatric Services has a tool to help battle anxiety and depression (26 January 2021)
Dr. William Giakas from Rockford Psychiatric Services told Eyewitness News about the use of the TMS technology to treat anxiety and depression.
Eyewitness News: Rockford Psychiatric Services has a tool to help battle anxiety and depression (Youtube video)
YLE Tiedeykkönen: Kivusta ja masennuksesta eroon magneettistimulaatiolla (29 August 2019, in Finnish)
Finnish Public Broadcasting Company Yle published Podcast (in Finnish) about TMS therapy in Helsinki University Hospital where Nexstim SmartFocus® nTMS technology is used. The podcast includes interviews with Nexstim's founder, Professor Risto Ilmoniemi and Clinical Neurophysiologist Selja Vaalto, MD, who has used our TMS system for a long time.
Tiedeykkönen: Kivusta ja masennuksesta eroon magneettistimulaatiolla
Investerarbrev: Nexstims system kan vara lösningen för depression – expanderar i USA (2 April 2019, in Swedish)
Swedish Investor Magazine published a news story on Nexstim.
Investerarbrev: Nexstims system kan vara lösningen för depression – expanderar i USA
YLE: Tinnitus kan vara ett rent helvete – men färsk forskning vid ÅUCS ökar hoppet om ett bättre liv för många patienter (6 April 2019)
Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE published a tv news and website news article (in Swedish) about Finnish research that looks to magnetic stimulation tech in fight against tinnitus.
Yle: Tinnitus kan vara ett rent helvete – men färsk forskning vid ÅUCS ökar hoppet om ett bättre liv för många patienter
HS: Sähköinen ärsytys herättelee halvaantuneita liikkumaan – aivojen ja lihasten yhtäaikainen stimulaatio on suomalainen oivallus (26 November 2018, in Finnish)
Finnish news media Helsingin Sanomat released an article on a study completed at Helsinki University Hospital, where a Nexstim system was successfully used to treat patients suffering from incomplete spinal cord injuries.
HS: Sähköinen ärsytys herättelee halvaantuneita liikkumaan – aivojen ja lihasten yhtäaikainen stimulaatio on suomalainen oivallus
Indications for Use in Major Depressive Disorder
CE mark and FDA clearance (K170902, K182700): Nexstim NBS 6 is indicated for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in adult patients who have failed to achieve satisfactory improvement from prior antidepressant medication in the current episode.
Nexstim NBS 6 for depression is intended to be used for treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) by targeting and delivering noninvasive repetitive TMS stimulation to the patient's dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Indications for Use in Chronic Neuropathic Pain
Nexstim NBS 6 is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for commercial use of the treatment of chronic pain in the United States, for investigational use only.
CE mark Intended use
Nexstim NBS 6 for depression is intended to be used for treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) by targeting and delivering non-invasive repetitive TMS stimulation to the patient's dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
CE mark Indications for use
Nexstim NBS 6 is indicated for MRI-guided and electric field (or E-field) navigated, non-invasive, repetitive TMS stimulation (rTMS) of the motor cortex as therapy to alleviate chronic unilateral neuropathic pain in adult patients. Nexstim NBS 6 is intended to be used by trained clinical professionals.
Indications for Use in Localization of Motor Cortex
FDA and CE-mark:
The Nexstim Navigated Brain Stimulation (NBS) System 5 is indicated for non-invasive mapping of the primary motor cortex of the brain to its cortical gyrus. The Nexstim NBS System 5 provides information that may be used in the assessment of the primary motor cortex for pre-procedural planning.
The Nexstim NBS System 5 is not intended to be used during a surgical procedure. The Nexstim NBS System 5 is not intended to be used by trained clinical professionals.
Indications for Use in Localization of Speech Function
FDA and CE-mark:
Nexstim NexSpeech®, when used together with the NBS System 5, is indicated for non-invasive localization of cortical areas that do not contain essential speech function. NexSpeech® provides information that may be used in pre-surgical planning in patients undergoing brain surgery. Intra-operatively, the localization information provided by NexSpeech® is intended to be verified by direct cortical stimulation.
The Nexstim NBS System 5 with NexSpeech® is not intended to be used during a surgical procedure.
The Nexstim NBS System 5 with NexSpeech® is intended to be used by trained clinical professionals.